Excel time calculation and formatting


It's actually really simple, but for some reason I just keep having to look up some of these... so... finally... note to self...



12:45 - 9:55 = 2:50
Time to decimal=X*242:50 * 24 = 2.83
Decimal to time=X/242,83 / 24 = 2:50
Days, hours, minutesd h:mm11 19:20
Total hours and minutes[h]:mm283:20
Total minutes[m]17000

Regarding the formatting, without the brackets, it formats as regular time (total hours % 24). So, for example, 2 hours and 50 minutes multiplied by 100:

Some more examples

=B3-A3=C3*24=D2/24=E2*100d h:mm[h]:mm[m]
09:5512:4502:502,8302:5012:2011 19:20283:2017000