Project Euler: Problem 10
The sum of the primes below 10 is
Find the sum of all the primes below two million.
Using our previously made Eratosthenes
class for generating primes, this problem can be solved in a very easy way.
var answer = new Eratosthenes()
.TakeWhile(x => x < 2000000)
.Aggregate((sum, x) => sum + x)
And that was it actually. The only problem here is that it takes a bit of time. On my machine this solution takes over 2 seconds. Not very long maybe, but compared to the others that is quite a bit of time actually. Especially when I know that it could go a lot faster if I just had a faster algorithm for generating prime numbers. However, I haven't found that yet. Actually, I have, but I haven't managed to implement any of them yet... 😛
Update October, 19th 2009
Managed to finally implement another algorithm called the Sieve of Atkin. I have written about it in a different post.
Using that class, the solution to this problem looks like this:
var answer = new Atkin(2000000)
.Aggregate((sum, x) => sum + x);
Pretty similar. But! The solution now takes only about 160 milliseconds, instead of the original 2 seconds 😄 Is that cool or what?