Recursivly download a whole website
A few times I've needed to download a full website. Some examples have been to download a full website for offline browsing, or to make a full static HTML backup/archive.
Using wget
makes it quite simple. It usually comes built-in with unix systems, and it’s available for Windows as well.
wget --wait 3 --random-wait --timeout 5 --tries 0 --mirror --no-parent --adjust-extension --convert-links --page-requisites --directory-prefix=output/dir
Explanation of options
Option | Explanation |
--wait 3 | Wait 3 seconds between each request to not punch the server too badly |
--random-wait | Randomly vary the wait time to prevent potential identitfication and blocking by statistical analysis |
--timeout 5 | Timeout before giving up |
--tries 0 | Retry ininitely |
--mirror | Enables several options suitable for mirroring, like recursion and time-stamping |
--no-parent | Don't traverse upwards to parent directories when mirroring |
--adjust-extension | Converts file extensions like .php and .cgi to .html |
--convert-links | Converts links in downloaded files to work better locally |
--page-requisites | Download things like images, stylesheets, etc. required by pages |
--directory-prefix=output/dir | What directory out dump all the downloaded files in |
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